Somos Esencia is proud to present its latest gastronomic project for the year 2023, BAUMA (c/ de Roger de Llúria, 124, 1-1)a culinary jewel with a rich Catalan heritage. *We Are Essence acquires the iconic Barcelona bar that has been a mainstay of the local gastronomic scene since its opening in the 1940s and will open its doors this December.

The founder of BAUMA - grandfather of the last owner, Joan Altarriba Águila - opened this classic-style establishment after World War II, and it has been a meeting point for generations of food lovers ever since. Part of the bar has retained its 1950s décor, giving diners an authentic and nostalgic experience of the city of Barcelona. BAUMA has not only seen the neighborhood change and grow, but has also welcomed a diverse and distinguished clientele, including politicians, actors, writers and literary figures who have left their mark on this landmark.Joan Altarriba Aguila, who began working at the bar at the age of 25, has been the keeper of the culinary tradition for decades. After 50 years since its opening, BAUMA joins the gastronomic group *Somos Esencia, which shares a deep respect for the Catalan gastronomic heritage and a passion for preserving it.

"We wanted the bar to continue in the hands of someone with the same values as us," said Joan Altarriba Aguila.

For this reason, *We Are Essence has taken on the responsibility of carrying forward the legacy of BAUMA. Our gastronomic group, like a good wine, renews itself over time without losing its essence. In the near future, gastronomy lovers will be able to enjoy once again the BAUMA with its traditional dishes and its essence intact, but also with a fresh and renewed touch that will reflect the culinary vision of We Are Essence. BAUMAlocated in the heart of Barcelona, is preparing to welcome all those who wish to live a unique culinary experience that combines the authenticity of Catalan cuisine with a contemporary touch.



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